January 04, 2004

Universities: hot debate

I have just stumbled into this debate over design, philosophy and the university. It recognizes that the modern univerity fulfills many functions:

"Modern universities have many roles. They prepare citizens for life in industrial and post-industrial democracies. They train people to work in demanding jobs. They enable individuals to understand and interpret the world around them. They offer individuals the opportunity to think about fields of inquiry and study. They host research programs that create new knowledge. They establish projects to apply the knowledge that reach generates. Universities fulfill all these functions and more."

It also recognizes that the shift from medieval universities to modern research universities was a long, slow process that involved many strains and difficulties and the importance of Kant's series of essays, 'The Conflict of the Faculties' in addressing two key questions: how is knowledge to be established, and which faculty shall govern the modern research university?
to be continued

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at January 4, 2004 11:44 PM | TrackBack
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