The beauty of the Tarkine rainforest in Tasmania:
It can be contrasted with this celebration of the heroic forestry worker:
Larry Fink
The forestry worker clears the wilderness and paving the way for wealth creation:
Larry Fink
The above photographs are American images but they apply to Tasmania in Australia, as they capture the pionering ethos. That ethos was about liberating human beings from fear and poverty and establishing their sovereignty.
The consequence of clearing felling is this:
Discover Tasmania
Tasmania is a clear example of how the enlightened earth radiates disaster triumphant.
Of course, that understanding of the heroic worker, power over nature and stewardship is way out of date. Clearfelling the old growth native forests for woodchips in Tasmania is now undertaken by two corporations--Gunns Ltd and Forestry Tasmania. Bulldozers aren't efficient enough. They clear the land in a modern way:
Remember this is public land that is coverted into plantations owned by private companies. It's a land grab.
Around 70% of Tasmanians want an end to the clear-felling of old-growth native forests. They undestand the value of Tarkine River:
E. Sarafik