April 15, 2005

a progressive ALP?

I cam across this over at the Evatt Foundation in an article by Sol Encel. Encel says that an essay on '21st Century Citizenship', published by the think tank Demos, (I cannot find the essay) identified three basic values which should characterise a progressive party in tune with contemporary realities. These are:

"· to offer a basic level of security and social fairness which equips each individual to develop and contribute to his or her full potential;

· to promote and enable forms of collective action which contribute to the overall vitality and fairness of society as a whole;

· to create countervailing institutions which limit the power of the state and the market, and align the energies of capitalist wealth production with human need."

Encel defends this by arguing that a progressive ALP would argue in favour of changing the structures which perpetuate social inequality as opposed to an ALP that is managerial, and so concerned with just the better administration of society.

Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at April 15, 2005 07:50 PM | TrackBack
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