May 08, 2007
Ross Burns, a former Australian ambassador to a number of Middle East countries (Israel, Lebanon, Syria), has some interesting comments to make in The Australian about Australia's support for Israel's foreign policy in the light of the Winograd report into the conduct of the Olmert Israeli Government in the 2006 Lebanon war.
Peter Brookes
Burns says:
The question for Australia, though, is what do we achieve by a cheerleading posture that takes no account of rights and wrongs, let alone the practicalities of Israel's capacity to achieve its objectives? The "he (Hezbollah) hit me (Israel) first" line not only lacks sophistication in such a high-stakes theatre as the Middle East but as Winograd has shown, it is beside the point.
The Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, in taking his cues from Republican Washington, has become a stalking horse for the Rightwing Likud position; one that is based on the continued existence of the settlements in the occupied territories, a united Jerusalem and only one state west of the Jordan.
Australia's current policy on the Middle East is not based on Australia's national interests. Burns adds that:
The other lesson for distant Australia is that the conflict brought into the open the extent of Australia's uncritical stance on wider Middle East issues......Fortunately, Israel has a more robust capacity to encourage deep self-criticism and policy reappraisal. But it won't be well-served by its friends if they maintain a policy of cheerleading for reckless ventures that are only likely to inflict on the Middle East a new wave of extremism. If Israel can have a vigorous debate on its options, Australia can have one on its policy. Our relations with the Middle East, for example, should have many dimensions. The Government's belief that it can say anything in relation to Israel and ignore the consequences for our profile in the Arab and wider Islamic world is not a healthy assumption.
The Palestinian-bashing thing took off big time after the ill-considered attack by a PLO splinter group on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics of the early seventies, along with hijacking of aircraft. Although, of course, the "Exodus" syndrome in Lobby-controlled Hollywood has been round since way earlier, after ww2.
But the sunglass-wearing, towell-headed, swarthy and bearded (sounds like Quiggin!) sub machinegunner has become a staple of Western media mythologising, so necessary for alibiing western policy in the mid east, at the same time providing electorally-resonant mythological material for spinners to scare the punters for conservatives at elections. This has also enabled anti democratic security and censorship legislation, to further jeopardise democracy in the West.
The rest is just "collateral damage".