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goodbye liberalism « Previous | |Next »
December 02, 2005

Some backgroundto the way the Liberal Party has become a party of fear and reaction.

Paul Zanetti

A good illustration of this post.

Will this now be seen as sedition?

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 10:35 PM | | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (1)

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» Australian fascism? from Public Opinion
Gerard Henderon in the Sydney Morning Herald on the responses to the sedition provisions of the Howard Government's anti-terrorism legislation: So it has come to this, apparently. The passing by the Senate of the Federal Government's industrial relatio... [Read More]



Interesting use of the gas-mask and balaclava of the shadow-state. Have you noticed that the imagery we get for terrorism is similar on both sides. Al Qaeda shows video tapes of black balaclava clad anonymous terrorists, clutching AK47s, jumping around in fatigues while in training.

We show black or fatigue clad commandos, with balaclavas or gas masks covering their identity and armed with M16s and jumping out of Blackhawks while training.

They are pretty much the same image that is being projected.