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drinking from the conservative cup « Previous | |Next »
June 25, 2006

Australian conservatives drink deeply from the cup of American conservatism these days. They do so because since the 1970s, a variety of American think tanks and policy institutes have nurtured conservative ideas, brought them into the political mainstream, and helped put them into political practice. What then is American conservatism?

This text gives us some indication. It suggests that those of sound conservative political opinions should ask six questions:

whenever their government acts: (1) "Is it the government's business?" (2) "Does this measure promote self-reliance?" (3) "Is it responsible?" (4) "Does it make us more prosperous?" (5) "Does it make us safer?" and (6) "Does it unify us?"

Nothing much about democracy, citizesnhip or equality there is there? Prosperity, security and unity are the ends of statecraft--not the wellbeing of the population.

The text indicates that Austrlaian conservatives need to be careful drinking from the American cup's conception of the practical wisdom to "apply old ideas to new circumstances".This means a :

"return to core principles...grounded in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence." Conservative think tanks and journals have increasingly recognized in recent years that it is not enough for government to be compassionate, or traditionalist, or libertarian. Good policy will become true statesmanship only when it is rooted in the distinctively American political tradition of natural right. Conservative policies planted in that rich American soil will endure.

Australian conservatives have no time for natural right----they bash away away rights with gusto as they are still knee jerk utilitarians. So where are the core principles of Australian conservatism, as distinct from Australian liberalism, to be found?

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 03:27 PM | | Comments (0)