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paranoia in the world of nations « Previous | |Next »
March 14, 2007

In the American press, and in the rhetoric of neo-conservatives China is often portrayed as a giant rogue state, out to lead a global axis against the US. This simple-minded vision provides the American right with a narrative in which thge US ands its allies---including Australia and Japan-- will be fighting the third world war against an axis of evil. America's hawks are forever looking for new enemies, and at the moment they constructing an imagined axis of China, Russia and Iran.

The Howard Government’s initiative informalizing security and military ties with a a more nationalist Japan--a Japan moving to abandon its post-war pacifist constitution---looks to cut China out. The security agreement---- covers bilateral security links and is the platform for their expansion. It encompasses peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, maritime and aviation security, regional co-operation and a closer relationship between the Australian and Japanese militaries.

At one level, this is a version of the Westphalian state system.

Behind Japan and Australia of course, stands the US. We have their common involvement of Japan and Australia in US-led coalitions in the war on terror, counter-proliferation initiatives and peacekeeping operations. Isn't a more nationalist assertive Japan responding to the rise of China in terms of China being a threat? Isn't Australia's whole military commitment to Iraq nothing more than a symbol of political support for the policies of the Bush Administration. Aren't Tokyo and Washington increasingly concerned about China's rapid military buildup and modernization?

If Australia wants Japan to play a bigger role in Asia’s economic and security architecture, then why exclude China from this architecture? Is this a way to ensure that US can continue with its international dominance--hegemony--- in the Pacific Rim? Australia and Japan are the stalking horse for the US? The reality is that we have a three -way security arrangement. The Japan-Australia pact is seen by many observers as underscoring a looming US-Australia-Japan axis of democracy, primarily aimed at keeping in check China, a rapidly ascending military as well as economic power in the Asia-Pacific region.

The proposals to include India in a four-way security agreement that would encircle China. That encircling is the strategic aim of the new axis.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 12:53 AM | | Comments (0)
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