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disease and fear « Previous | |Next »
December 08, 2005

In recent years, outbreaks of diseases such as avian flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the Ebola virus, and mad cow disease have crossed the divide between animals and people. None of these illnesses depends on human hosts for its survival; as a result, they all persist today, far beyond the reach of medical intervention.

And, as this article in Foreign Affairs indicates:

"...that no government agency or multilateral organization today focuses on the numerous diseases that threaten people, domestic animals, and wildlife alike. Nor does any one body collect and collate data from across the scientific spectrum, to ensure that health solutions are based on the input of professionals from all the various health fields working with humans, domestic animals, and wildlife."

It goes on to say that:
Yet diseases pay no regard to the divisions among species or academic disciplines, and the failure to recognize this truth is placing humanity in great peril. As a recent outbreak of avian influenza reminded the world, what happens in one part of it -- and to one species -- can have a deadly serious impact on others. The planet clearly needs a new health paradigm that not only integrates the efforts of disparate groups but also balances their respective influences, to help bridge the gaps between them.

The domestic response to species jumping diseases in a gobal world has largely been one of fear.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 10:13 PM | | Comments (2)


Let me guess, this post is about Minimalism! :)

I fell asleeep at the wheel. So I had to post latter. The post is up.