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"When philosophy paints its grey in grey then has a shape of life grown old. By philosophy's grey in grey it cannot be rejuvenated but only understood. The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of dusk." -- G.W.F. Hegel, 'Preface', Philosophy of Right.
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'Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainity and agitation distinquish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones ... All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned.' Marx

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January 19, 2006

A review in the Washington Post of some books on the US as a superpower that seeks to sidestep restraints on its sovereignty in the post 9/11 landscape. None of the books appear to speak of empire, the grab for executive power by the Bush administration, or the imperial presidency's extensive use of torture and surveillance in the war against terrorism.

This is more interesting----political view of the rule of law as arising from a balance of power between and within the legislative and judicial branches. But no concern is shown for the tense relationship between the state of exception in which we live and the rule of law by the national security state. There appears to be little interest in exploring the foundation and authority to suspend the law.

Who guards the constitution then?

It's as if authority has disappeared from the modern world. It would appear that liberalism opposes authority to freedom and authority to democracy, as it tacitly equates authority with dictatorship. Does not the Senate have authority? An authority grounded on the people? Does not this highlight an empty centre in liberalism?

It is becoming ever more obvious that authority under the Bush administration is increasingly being located within, or as inhering in, the riving person of the President as pater or princeps and not in Congress. This suggests that the authority of the President can never be derivative: it is always originary as it springs from his person and not from a pre-existing legal order. That authority in the state of exception in which we live is founded on the supension, or neutralization of, the juridical order of a liberal polity.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 10:33 PM | | Comments (0)