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American nationalism « Previous | |Next »
May 23, 2003

I have always wondered about US nationalism.

From the outside---here in Australia--- it is so patriotic as a nation and very nationalistic. Fervently so. Yet it does not recognize its civic nationalism nor that of others, eg. Iraq.

This article helps an Australian to understand why.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 8:34 PM | | Comments (3)


That link doesn't work, Gary (missing an "r" in the "href" bit of the tag)...

thanks. Fixed.

Not a bad article.

I thought this factoid could use a bit of informal explanation, though:

"only 22 percent of Americans have traveled to another country in the last five years, compared with 66 percent of Canadians, 73 percent of Britons, 60 percent of the French, and 77 percent of Germans."

All jokes about Canada aside, I have to wonder how many Canadians get included in that statistic merely for traveling to the only nation adjacent to them, whereas I would expect that most Americans would not be traveling to Canada if they were to travel to a foreign country. Similarly, given the compactedness of European nations, many of them can easily get figure in the statistic for traveling less distance than many of us Yankees would have to travel just to get to another state.