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October 10, 2005

Generation online is okay, but we can leave the article Political life in Girogio Agamben to one side as not relevant to our concerns about he way that anxiety over 'national security' has justified, ands legitimated, the cam. On the former site we find "What is a camp' by Suvendrini Pererain in Borderlands. Pererain, paraphrasing Agemben, says that in:

Agamben's thinking the concentration camp is constitutive of contemporary life in the west. Examining the juridical and political structure of the camp 'will lead us to regard the camp, not as an historical fact and an anomaly belonging to the past ... but in some way as the hidden matrix and nomos of the political space in which we are still living'.

Agamben's 'The Camp as Nomos of the Modern' is then quoted:
'The camp is the space which is opened when the state of exception becomes the rule. In the camp, the state of exception ... is now given a permanent spatial arrangement, which as such nevertheless remains outside the normal order' .

Then we have this parphrase:
"...the camp as exceptional space is both inside and outside the nation: it is excluded from and at the same time included in the space of the national by its inscription within the very juridical and political structures that decree its exclusion....The camp's inhabitants are those deemed to have no claim on the nation but, paradoxically, are brought even more firmly under its control by virtue of their exclusion from its laws."

It is a space where the category of 'citizen' is no longer operative. It is also is the space where the claims and limits of the 'human', are disclosed in the figure of the refugee or 'stateless' individual. What is disclosed is 'the human' divested of the rights of a citizen; the human as the bare life.

We can talk about the Australian camp.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 12:57 AM | | Comments (0)