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The new Rome « Previous | |Next »
July 28, 2006

I presume that most of the Arab states see an American hegemonic hand behind the Israeli war. The US government woudl be seen as being pretty much solely responsible for allowing the Israeli bombing of Lebanon to continue whilst the Rome conference looks give the appearance that the US is "doing something" whilst giving Israel the time it wants to continue its offensive.

Martin Rowson

The Middle East needs reform and change but will change through the massacre of innocents help the reform process? How will the violence give birth to a new Middle East? According to Condelezza Rice Rice it goes like this: : Israel's attacks will demolish Hizbullah; the Lebanese will blame Hizbullah and destroy its influence; and the backlash will extend to Hamas, which will collapse. From the administration's point of view, this is a proxy war with Iran (and Syria) that will inexplicably help turn around Iraq.

US historic role is to act as the ultimate guarantor of Israel's security adn not to act as honest broker among all parties.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 12:32 AM | | Comments (1)


This wont work for the same reason's Douhet's theories failed when put to the test. Populations come together under pressure and attack. The anger will be directed outward. Anecdotal incidences of that change in Lebanon are starting to appear on the internet.