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Minnie Pwerle « Previous | |Next »
December 24, 2007

A visual work by Minnie Pwerle, who began painting on canvas in 1999. Previously her principal cultural expression was ceremonial body painting.

pwerleMinnie1.jpg Minnie Pwerle, Awelye Atnwengerrp series

Awelye Atnwengerrp means ‘women’s ceremony from the Atnwengerrp’, a place north of Utopia near the Sandover River in the Northern Territory. Awelye-Atnwengerrp is depicted by a series of lines painted in different widths, patterns and colours. This pattern represents the designs painted on the top half of women's bodies during ceremonies in their country of Atnwengerrp.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 9:05 PM | | Comments (1)


thanks for the incredible image, i have just recently discovered this kind of painting that sort of exists somewhere outside the aboriginal past since it is done as painting rather than ceremony. i am quite struck by its beauty and by the fact it exists at all. do you know of any good articles or books on the subject?
best, noah
san francisco