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CIA Rendition « Previous | |Next »
February 28, 2008

The CIA's rendition of terrorism suspects is linked to the covert prison sites operated with the knowledge of the "host" nation. These secret prisons, known as black sites, are generally outside of the mainland U.S. territory and legal jurisdiction, and with little or no political or public oversight. Black sites refer to the facilities that are controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used by the U.S. in its war on terrorism to detain suspected enemy combatants.

Steve Bell

Rendition and secret prisons refer to situations in which the U.S. has transferred suspected terrorists to countries known to employ harsh interrogation techniques that rise to the level of torture.This is done in order to increase chances of extracting information. The justification for torturing terror suspects, is that it is necessary to help prevent further terrorist attacks, which may only be a matter of hours or days away.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 10:59 PM |