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'Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainity and agitation distinquish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones ... All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned.' Marx

a strange conservatism « Previous | |Next »
November 17, 2006

Iraq is now increasingly seen as having nothing to do with combating terrorism. Or, more precisely, the war is seen as actually increasing the threat of terrorism. Well not the neocons in Weshington, Canberra and London. Even if they are running to the exits and pointing the finger elsewhere they still see Iraq as central to the war on terrorism.

Peter Brookes

The heritage of the neocons is heavy one for modern conservatism as it now celebrates uses war. It is only too willing to let loose the dogs of war. War is a good prism to understand modern conservatism. It is not just a mixture of libertarianism and traditionalism that we see at the Institute of Public Affairs.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 3:58 PM | | Comments (4)


Contrary to their self advertisements one cannot be both a "libertarian" and a traditionalist.This essay is a criticism of the consequences of the adolescent libertarian anti-"culture".

Essentially libertarians are just dramatising a fear of being controlled by either mom or dad and a "profound" reluctance to engage the demand for conscious relationship/participation inherent in being born as a human being.


the link does not work. I can get this far

Conservatism is currently a mixture of free market liberalism and Burkean conservatism, however illogical that may be theoretically.

Gary, I dont know why. It works for me.

which article is a criticism of the consequences of the adolescent libertarian anti-"culture?