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'Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainity and agitation distinquish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones ... All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned.' Marx

Ken Henry, indigenous disadvantage, capability development « Previous | |Next »
January 4, 2008

As is well known Noel Pearson's reform plan in indigenous Cape York Peninsula makes welfare payments conditional on four basic expectations: ensure your children attend school; fulfil your responsibilities to keep your children free from abuse and neglect; abide by the laws concerning violence, alcohol and drugs; abide by your public housing tenancy conditions. A family responsibilities commission comprising a magistrate and eminent representatives of the community be created to mandate these obligations.

This is Pearson's response to the existing artificial economy of unconditional welfare is no solution is paying for abusive lifestyles that compromise the protection of indigenous children and families.

Pearson argues that though these policies have a conservative flavour - rebuilding of social norms - the other two building blocks of our agenda have distinctly liberal and social-democratic flavours: realignment of incentives and increased government investment in capability development (that is in developing the capabilities of individuals). This builds on the work Amartya Sen, and the argument is that poverty and disadvantage are to a large extent capability deprivation. Indigenous capability development.

This view is developed in a speech, entitled "Addressing Extreme Disadvantage Through Investment in Capability Development", which was given by Dr Ken Henry, Secretary to the Treasury, to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Conference "Australia’s Welfare 2007, is an interesting one.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 5:31 AM | | Comments (3)


see the blog

Thanks Manuel. I'll have a look at your blog. It sounds interesting.

In this post, which deals with philosophy applied to the every day problems of the average man, you say:

We follow the style of Mr. Lou Marinoff´s practical philosophy. We hate academic philosophy with its technical language.We prefer the plain language of the every day talk.We distrust the professional philosophers, they only care about their personal work and their professional career, they don´t want to help people or to resolve the problems of this troubled World.

There are a some academics who publish in the public domain and are interested in the public problems of everyday life that are of concern to citizens. I ddont agree with your comments that:
We don´t like Internet, it is a step back to the pre-philosophical period, before Homer, when thousands of individuals had their own opinion about everything and wisdom was impossible to get.Positivists or technocrats love very much Internet, as they hate philosophy .Their science and technology dictatorship can only exist with the people divided and confused by too many webs and blogs. Meanwhile, they sell thousands of personal computers to the people. As barbarians, to live in a pre-philosophical period because Internet is perfect for the positivists or technocrats.

You can do philosophy on the internet, even the academic philosophy with its technical language.

Thank you, I understand that with my commentaries about professional philosophy, I am gaining a lot of foes in that guid, but it happens that i am too a professional philosopher and i know very well this small world of the Philosophy departments at the universities.I have read hundreds of philosophy papers in internet and none says nothing new.