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US Presidential primaries: Indiana « Previous | |Next »
May 5, 2008

Will Obama deliver the knockout blow to Clinton in the forthcoming primaries in North Carolina and Indiana? Obama is expected to take North Carolina. If he can pick off Indiana - and its precious white working-class vote - then he could finally land Clinton a mortal blow.

Can he do so in the context of the media love affair with him being over, the fallout from pastor Jeremiah Wright in the media and the race tinged edge of the contest.

USDemocrats.jpg Moir

What will probably happen is that the US mainstream media will continue its degradation of the political discourse with personality smears, trash talk spun to them by political operatives and gossipy chatter about non-issues (eg., John Edward's haircut).

Clinton is engaging in China bashing- blaming China for the loss of manufacturing and blue collar industry jobs--- to shore up her conservative white working class (Reagan Democrats?) support in North Carolina and Indiana. The economic context isn America is the recessed economy with the consumer overstretched by falling real wages, job losses and plunging house prices.

Clinton stands for protecting working class jobs in dying industries in a globalised world, even though the Clinton administration passed NAFTA, accelerated trade with China and India, focused on knocking down various protectionist barriers, etc. It is the fear card being played, as Clinton blames China for taking away manufacturing jobs from the American workers and manipulating the US currency. America needs to get tough on China etc etc.

The reality is that manufacturing is in a transition between its past glory as the provider of good, upwardly mobile, blue-collar jobs that formed the backbone of a vibrant middle class, and its future as a smaller, high-skills, high-tech industry.

Andrew Sullivan in the Sunday Times says that the only way Hillary can now win is by tearing down the Obama candidacy even further — a candidacy that has brought more new voters, more money and more enthusiasm into Democratic ranks than at any time since 1992. If she were somehow to persuade the superdelegates to pick her over the obvious favourite of primary voters, she would provoke an implosion in the party, brutal payback from young, black and independent Obama fans, and a real crisis at the Democratic convention. He asks:

So what is she up to and what is Obama to do about it? There are three main theories behind Clinton's refusal to acquiesce to mathematics: she simply cannot tolerate losing a nomination she believes she has a dynastic right to; she is trying to ensure that Obama loses in 2008 in order to run again herself in 2012; or she wants to be offered the vice-presidential spot on an Obama-led ticket. I'm beginning to suspect the last option is the most plausible, and it gives Obama a potential opening: why not give her what she wants? An Obama-Clinton ticket would certainly give the Democrats a massive sigh of relief — and perhaps some euphoria.

Is this feasible in a deeply divided Democrat Party? Perhaps, though unlikely.

| Posted by Gary Sauer-Thompson at 8:58 AM | | Comments (11)


Like Australia America has lost much of its manufacturing base, and it will continue to lose more.

Manufacturing will never again serve as a broad industry providing huge numbers of entry-level jobs and an easy path upward.

Old style modern manufacturing has an image as a grimy, blue-collar, low-skill industry and as a dying sector. Will it be able to morph into a high-skills industry more akin to architecture or engineering?

Hillary Clinton is defending the Democrat working class with tactics out of the Republican playbook--eg., her attack on elite economic experts re her tax on petrol holiday. She is playing bare-knuckle electoral politics as she goes after the blue collar Democrats, who are prejudiced against China.

Still the media bias against Clinton is strong and it approaches woman hating.---hate hate hate Hillary Clinton is the unconscious emotion being openly expressed.

Bob Ellis is an Australian example of hate Hillary. Check his rant on the ABC Unleashed site.

Obama did not deliver the knockout blow to Clinton, even though he came off best winning North Carolina by a big margin and reducing Clinton's win in Indiana to a modest margin.

With only six primaries left, Obama remains the favourite to win the Democratic nomination and face the Republican John McCain in November's general election. Clinton is hanging on.

Current super delegate count 271 for Clinton, 256 for Obama. It looks like there are 168 still undecided.

Phillip Adams is another Hillary hater, but given the depths she's prepared to plumb it's not that surprising. What may originally have been about gender seems to be becoming justified by her willingness to become a redneck Republican if need be.

That's a real problem from a feminist point of view, remembering that so many feminists dumped on her from the start. Clinton is providing the anti-woman brigade with cover.

Robert G. Kaiser at the Washington Post sums up the evening thus:

My summation: The Clinton camp thought it had momentum tonight; it counted on a clear, early-declared win in Indiana and a closer-than-expected race in North Carolina. The outcomes in both states were, effectively, the opposite of what they hoped for. Whatever advantage they got out of Pennsylvania has now disappeared, I think. Obama is restored as the clear front-runner. Once again, this remarkable race has taken an unexpected turn. This might have been the last one.

The results for Gary, a predominantly African-American, post-industrial city, is considered a major stronghold for the Illinois senator, have to come. This will tighten the result in Indiana.

Yes, it sure looks as if Clinton's race to be the Democratic presidential candidate is all but over. She's run out of money and numbers. I cannot see any point in her fighting on. Clinton has came out of Indiana and North Carolina with no momentum and no money. Not to mention not enough delegates.

The superdelegates are flowing to Obama as the Democrat Presidential candidate as is the conventional wisdom of the political pundits who hang out on cable TV.

if Obama is the frontrunner, then Clinton is refusing to yield. She cannot concede; she cannot give an inch even though she is down to bankrolling her own campaign and has unpaid campaign bills?

Does Hillary Clinton really want the vice presidency? Does Obama really want Clinton for the vice presidency?


no and no. She is better off staying in the Senate as a powerful Senator and senior party figure. That's her political power base.

The real issue for the Democrats now is to establish unity between Obama and Clinton's supporters in order to be able to fight the Republicans and John McCain.

the main debate in the US media now is when Senator Clinton will withdraw.Lack of money will force her withdrawal. The Republicans are directing their fire at Obama to portray him as weak on security and as a tax-and-spend Democrat. I'm sure they will introduce race.

Hillary needs to give it up already. can she sink any lower? she is making it so easy for obama to win, he doesn't even have to try! check out and get in tune with his campaign song!